Vacuum Bottle Integrity Testing

The primary goal of packaging is to protect the contents from external impact and prevent contaminations and loss as a result of contact with the external medium. A wide range of packaging are available; flexible bags, pouch bags, can, bottle, container, blister, etc. Package integrity testing is the key to identify any potential issues during production before the products reach the end-users. Depending on the package type, several leak test methods can be employed to achieve optimum quality checks. Vacuum bottle integrity testing is suitable for testing bottle packages effectively.

Vacuum bottle integrity testing is a method employed to determine the leak rate of the canned or bottle-type packaging. It is critical to ensure the quality of packaging to prevent contamination and loss. With an effective vacuum bottle integrity testing method, it is possible to ensure that the expected standards of integrity and durability are maintained. This is especially true for the food and pharmaceutical sector as the packaging method has an impact on the safety and quality of the product packaged inside. Different types of methods are employed to confirm container system integrity and to be sure that an effective barrier is maintained.

Vacuum Leak Test Procedure

Vacuum Decay leak testing helps to identify package leaks that are not visibly detectable. The vacuum leak test procedure involves the package to place in a chamber that is exposed under vacuum conditions. Pressure transducers are then used to monitor the change in pressure in the chamber. In the presence of a leak, this will gradually increase the pressure above the vacuum as the package headspace is being drawn. The vacuum leak test procedure check for the drop in pressure or vacuum leak to test the integrity of the package. All types of packages have a certain leak rate that cannot be completely diminished. This vacuum decay test procedure provides a qualitative result to judge whether the package passes the standard.

The vacuum leak test procedure method can be used for all types of packages that have a head space. Flexible bags, pouches, bottles with a screw cap, canned food, containers and auto-injectors can be effectively tested with this method. However, this method may not be suitable for packages containing liquid products as the presence of proteinaceous substances can mask the leak. Should the requirement for such an application arises, the validation process needs to be modified to reach an accurate conclusion.

High Voltage leak detection

High voltage leak detection is also referred to as the ‘spark test’ and is widely used to detect a leak and spot its location in rigid or flexible packages with liquid content. The method functions on the principle of quantitative electrical conductance measurements. If there exists a leak path in the vicinity of the electrically conductive liquid, the electrical resistance of the test sample will drop. The method is highly accurate and sensitive and can even be used to find defects in packages with protein and salt formulations. This method of testing is reliable and can be effectively used for testing different types of packages.

If you are looking for a testing solution to maintain high-quality packaging, we have the best solution for you. At Sealtick, we offer a range of systems that are designed to test package integrity for food and pharmaceutical packaging. Vacuum bottle integrity testing is one of our main effective and accurate package lead testing equipment. With our leak test equipment, manufacturers have succeeded in achieving high product quality and testing efficiency in the last 15 years. We have a range of leak detectors options to choose from that are suitable for your application. If you wish to know more about our testing systems, feel free to reach out to our team. We will be glad to help. You can email us at You can also call us on +61 3 9540 5100.

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